New Year, New Inspiration

Here at The Quick Flick HQ we love to be inspired. Whether it’s by our customers, the beautiful weather outsideor content made by our favourite creators, we can find the joy in anything and everything!  

To start off 2021 in style we asked our team to share something that’s either inspired them in the past year, or they’re inspired to achieve in the year ahead.  

Dimmity, Engagement Coordinator

“I’ve been a long-time listener of the She’s On The Money podcast (Victoria Devine is my spirit animal) and 2020 was the perfect time for me to refocus on my financial goals and set myself up for financial success in my future. The last 8 or so months of 2020 have had phrases like ‘live fake rich now, be real poor later’ and ‘compound interest’ and ‘money win’ rolling around in my head like an annoying TikTok song! I’m excited to head into 2021 with clear values and goals associated with my money habits, and a plan for how every dollar can work for me.” 

Charlotte, Product Developer

“In 2020 I gave myself the challenge of reading at bedtime (like an actual book, that’s right I mean turning off technology at least 30 minutes before bed and actually reading!). I’m proud to say that I kept this habit up most nights, and this is something I want to continue in 2021. I’d like to explore different genres with more of a focus on personal growth and development. The first book on my list is Happy by Derren Brown. My other inspirations for 2021 are to start journaling, and I’d love to take up Lyra Hoop (I love a good fitness hobby!)” 

Julita, Beauty Advisor 

"2020 really made me appreciate how diverse and beautiful Australia is, so in 2021 my partner and I have a joint goal to renovate a van with the perfect amount of space for all my skincare and makeup essentials and some serious storage for his mountain bikes! The world around us is so inspiring, and I can’t wait to see more of it! My slightly more non-serious goal for the new year is to learn how to play (and win!) at Scrabble. Growing up we never played many board games, so I’m excited to learn new words and finally understand what a triple letter score means!” 

Iris, Founder & CEO 

“Oh wow, where do I start! 2020 was all about discovering who I really am and unlearning the values, opinions and beliefs that have become mine through influences of my parents, friends and society in general. I began to question everything. Is this what I really believe? Do I really value that? Is that right for me? While I have felt lost at times as I have been re-moulding my identity, I have also found great power in creating who I want to be, rather than who others expect me to be. It has allowed me to find a new happiness and energy that I hadn’t experienced before and I’m looking forward to taking this into 2021.”

No matter what your goals, focuses, and resolutions for the new year are we know that you will battle them head on and achieve as much as you desire! If you ever need someone to hype you up and be your own personal cheer squad don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our socials!  
Cheers to the New Year! 


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